
"Influencer" é uma obra que sintetiza anos de experiência, entrevistas e observações feitas sob a luz de grandes influenciadores que aprenderam a identificar e atuar sobre a base comportamental que muitas vezes anuvia o caminho para o sucesso.

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"As part of this focus on specific levels of achievement, top performers set their goals to improve behavior or processes rather than outcomes.

For instance, top volleyball performers set process goals aimed at the set, the dig, the block, and so on.

Mediocre performers set outcome goals such as winning so may points or garnering applause. In basketball, players who routinely hit 70 percent or more of their free throws tend to practice differently from thos who hit 55 percent or less.


Better shooter set technique-oriented goals such as, “Keep the elbow in,” or, “Follow through.” Players who shoot 55 percent and under tend to think more about results-oriented goals such as “This time I´m going to make ten in a row.”

This difference in focus is also borne out when players blow it. Researchers stopped players who missed two free throws in a row and asked them to explain their failure. Master shooters were able to cite the specific technique they got wrong. (“I didn´t keep my elbow in.”)Poorer shooters offered vague explanation such as, “I lost concentration.”

The role of mini goals in maintaining motivation also deserves attention. With certain skills, people are deathly afraid that they won´t succeed. And once they do fail, they fear that bad things will happen to them. As you might imagine, when these failure stories lead to self-defeating behavior. Individuals begin with the hypothesis that they will never succeed and that the failure will be costly, and then they look for every shred of proof that they´re about to fail so they can bail out early before they suffer too much – which they do anyway.

Client or Customer

We normally use both words generically to describe whom is the purchaser, the consumer or everyone that can be considered the beneficiated by a product or service we provide and charge.

In fact there´s some difference between the terms?
I believe so, and this point starts by the source.
According to Dictionary.com these words means:

1. a person or group that uses the professional advice or services of a lawyer, accountant, advertising agency, architect, etc.
2. a person who is receiving the benefits, services, etc., of a social welfare agency, a government bureau, etc.
3. a customer.
4. anyone under the patronage of another; a dependent.
5. Computers . a workstation on a network that gains access to central data files, programs, and peripheral devices through a server.
6. client state.
7. (in ancient Rome) a plebeian who lived under the patronage of a patrician.

1. a person who purchases goods or services from another; buyer; patron.
2. Informal . a person one has to deal with: a tough customer; a cool customer.

As the descriptions the main difference is on the relationship with this buyer. I mean, the right word has total dependence if you are talking about a single and temporary exchange or a long-term relationship with whom is at the other side of the desk.

A valuable relationship goes beyond to ensure the transformation a simple customer in a loyal client.

You have to take care of him.

Your products and services has to bring him the reason to stay, almost dependently.
These concepts are defined in the dictionaries: protection, patronage, dependent, etc. All establishing a context where someone is watching and taking care of something for the other. Obviously in a exchange relation directioned to clearly demonstrate that it worth for. Cent by cent.

This seems to be the goal when talking about clients:Create among social relations an environment of mutual development and perpetual growth.

P versus NP problem

Yesterday I was reading a famous weekly magazine and passing the eye something called my attention. It was a small citation talking about Grigori Perelman, the same man some days before I had read on a book about influence, engagement and motivation. The book describes the strategies and solutions that the main influencers in the world are using to make what most of us consider impossible.

Between considerations about motives and sense of self was the Perelman´s story. I personally think it´s amazing: a recluse mathematician that found a solution to a secular problem with no interest on money or fame. More than that, he didn´t accept a kind of mathematics´ Nobel Prize nor a $1 million prize.

I´m still trying to understand – even superficially – what the problem means. Ok, I´m not a genius. But is not awesome? Be capable of focus yourself on a particular work, during years, free from outside interventions.

The book´s explanation says that Perelman had pleasure from three intrinsic sources discussed previously: He reveled in the accomplishment, loved the challenge of the game, and took pleasure in acting true to the vision of who he wanted to be.

Would it be the key for us too?